Amarillo Sneior Pictures, Portraits by Craig Stidham

Amarillo Sneior Pictures, Portraits.

by Craig Stidham

Senior Pictures, Portraits and Photography in Amarillo, Lubbock
Amarillo Sneior Pictures, Portraits and Simply badass images

Senior Pictures, Portraits and Photography in Amarillo, Lubbock
Senior Pictures, Portraits and Photography in Amarillo, Tx
Amarillo has lots of options when it comes to getting your senior pictures, portraits done.  The  avgerage sale in  Amarillo for senior pictures is about $1200-$2000 for really any photographer, Some photographers or New Photographers poping up are trying to make their part of the market boom by copieing the current trends.  This seams to be the norm.  See! Photography is an ART.  The ART part comes from studing the masters and histroy of Art.  When you have studied the Artist and relize that you/ photographer have a voice and that taking pictures is about expressing that voice then Clients will know and see a Differance between photographers.  So as Clients and Seniors, Choose a photographer baised on their ART and expressions in said craft.  
Take a simple look at some of our newest work.  These are Seniors from the Amarillo, Lubbock area.
